Why Branding & Cultural Fit is a Key Component for a Resume

With younger individuals gaining the role of leadership, the hiring process is shifting and changing. New bosses have grown to understand and appreciate the importance of branding and cultural fit of their employees. Creating your image and brand on your resume and LinkedIn as well as online can help you succeed in the job hunting process. Resume services can help you with resume formatting, branding and cultural fit, and your resume content. Receiving help from this service can put you ahead and make you stand out against other applications. 

What is Branding?

Branding can be described as how you portray yourself or how others view you as a person. Creating your brand is like creating your image online. Showing what your interests, goals, and work culture are helps establish yourself without having to be asked questions. Think of it like this, typically when you are going through a hiring process the employer will ask you what you like, what you do in your free time, and what makes you stand out from other candidates. Setting up your brand lays it all out for them. Resume services advise you to take a look at how you appear online. Ask your friends and family how they would interpret what you post or like. This can help you get an idea of what you need to adjust. Social media is being used by employers from all over. As newer generations step into the workforce, employers are realizing that you can tell a lot about someone based on their social media presence. Utilizing your personal media can help lay out your personality for employers before giving the option of an interview. If they deem something inappropriate or irresponsible on your page, the likelihood of you securing that interview goes down. 

How to Create Your Brand 

The first place you will want to start is your online presence as mentioned before. Joining groups on your social media that gear towards your hobbies and interests is a step in the right direction. Keep in mind the job you are applying for. If you want to secure a job with a journaling company you may want to include that on your page. For example, join a journalist or writing tips group. You should aim for the most authentic you. Avoid posting about or joining groups that you have no interest in. You want someone to be able to tell that you are the same as your online self. Your resume content and LinkedIn are just as important as your online persona. Adding a 2-3 sentence section that describes who you are as a person also benefits your branding and how an employer sees you. Additionally, Include an appropriate picture that you feel describes you. Employers look at resumes all day, make yours stand out. Adding these things can create a fine line between your resume coming off as professional and detailed or rather improper. Hire resume services to ensure you avoid this. 

What is Cultural Fit?

Cultural fit is like the counterpart to branding. Cultural fit is when an employee’s values, attitudes, and behaviors align with the company’s. Working for a company that values the same things as you do is crucial for productivity. Working for someone who has opposite morals or values from yourself can cause management to create an untrue idea of you since you don’t fit in culturally with their environment. It is important to do your research when applying for jobs. Having an off balance of culture can be detrimental to your experience at that job. An example of cultural fit would be the differences between Gen Z and Baby Boomers. The majority of the time these generations have opposing views and values, especially in the workplace. Baby Boomers tend to be more professional in the way they dress and the way they talk while at work whereas, Gen Z stays professional while acknowledging the importance of personal comfort and showing their personality. Sharing similar beliefs, values, and morals as your employer can help you have a productive enjoyable experience while working. Resume services put emphasis on the importance of branding and cultural fit so you can find the right job for you.   

Characteristics to Highlight

Leadership style, flexibility, motivation, work ethic, and self-direction are a few examples of characteristics that can help your employer see your branding and cultural fit in relation to the company. Employers value these characteristics and seek them out in the hiring process. Companies look for individuals who can problem solve on their own while also being able to stay productive and on task. These examples listed help highlight your best attributes and show how you can benefit the company. Avoid using traits that do not describe you at all. Adding additional traits that do not describe you can put you at a disadvantage when being hired. Understanding what you are capable of is just as important as creating your branding and cultural fit. Avoid highlighting certain characteristics that may not be your strong suit. Resume services offer guidance on how to highlight your best characteristics while staying unique and professional. 

Professional Resume Services

Picking your work environment is solely up to you. Think about whether you prefer an upbeat environment or a more laid back flexible one. Figuring out what environment works best for you can help you build your resume. The key to getting your dream job is having the correct branding and cultural fit highlighted on your resume and linkedin.

Have you had trouble achieving an ideal resume? Or maybe you have never written one before? Capstone offers professional resume services that can help you write the most ideal resume while keeping it true to yourself. Highlighting your desirable characteristics, resume formatting, and creating the right resume content are some few ways we can help assist you. Contact one of our resume writing professionals so you can create the resume that will land you your dream job!