Above anything else, the resume is a marketing document. It is used to sell yourself and show why you are the best choice over other candidates that applied for a position. You must always put your best foot forward and emphasize your strengths in a way that shows why you are the ideal person for the position.
No Degree Doesn’t Equal No Job
Many professionals feel that not having a degree automatically disqualifies them from certain jobs. As time goes by, even those with college degrees are judged based on the achievements within their experience. As the degree gets older, it is weighed less. It becomes viewed as less valuable, and the focus shifts to what you did in your last job to improve operations, revenue or overall performance.
Even if you don’t have a degree, there are still ways to market yourself. The fact that you have significant achievements can outweigh the no degree factor. Successful examples of this are Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates. Both men dropped out of Harvard to pursue their own ventures – ventures that have been wildly successful.
Experience Sells
Focus on the PARs. PARs are Problem-Action-Result statements that show what actions were taken on the job and how they produced positive results. The achievements and PARs that came from your experience are your strengths. Be sure to highlight them to show how you can bring those experiences and skills with you to your next job. Again, experience sells better than anything else on the resume.
You can also use PARs to discuss problems you were able to solve and operations you improved. Highlight the processes or programs you put in place to help you achieve great results.
Highlight Strengths
Be sure to show your past experience and how well you performed in previous roles. This is key to selling yourself to a hiring manager, as how you performed in previous roles is the best indicator of how you will perform in a future role.
If you don’t have a college degree or are struggling to write an effective resume, Capstone Resume Services can help! A resume writing service based in California, we work one-on-one with clients to help craft a professional resume that will help them stand out from the crowd.
Whether you need an entry level resume, federal resume, executive resume, or technical resume, we can write a resume that will represent who you are and the experience you will bring to the position. And we don’t just write resumes! We can also provide you with a professional LinkedIn profile or a cover letter that is the perfect introduction to your resume.
Contact Capstone Resume Services to request a consultation today!